Don't shop, Adopt.


Don't shop, Adopt. This slogan has been floating around the media lately, try to promote adopting animals instead of going to the pet store or a breeder to get your animals. This is because of the growing amount of dogs, in shelters just left to die. The most common breeds of dogs left to die in shelters are pit bulls, because of the labels put on this dog breed.

Every day more and more animal shelters are becoming high kill shelters, this is because of the over breeding, and the shelters can't cope and are forced to destroy these animals. The animal overpopulation is so bad that every year 3 to 4 million animals are killed every year and about 10 thousand every day. However, if instead of buying all your animals, you adopted them, the number of dogs being destroyed would be decreased substantially.

In the Netherlands and Holland, they became the first countries in the world to have no strays, and this is because in the past 200 years they have been aiming to get rid of strays. In the 1800's they had a massive outbreak of rabies and ever since they have slowly been decreasing the number of strays.

There are significant health benefits of adopting a dog. Most of the dogs you find in shelter's are not pure breeds and their for have not suffered the curse of interbreeding. Interbreeding affects 40 to 80% of pure breed dogs. This is because many people want the same breeds of dogs and with the high demand breed lines get mixed, and the interbreeding gets worse and worse.

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