Sadie's Story


My pup Sadie - Born January 2014 - current age 3 years old.

We rescued Sadie at the age of 6 months old on the 6th of June, 2014. When we got said she was a crazy puppy, with no manners and horrible jumping habits, Bad licking problems and incredibly frightful. She had spent the first six months of her life shut in a garage because she was too much for her owner, who was pregnant with her second child. My sister and I just thought she was adorable and we couldn't understand why they didn't want her. However, we didn't mind because we wanted her and she wanted us.

The reason we found her in the first place was that, my sister wanted a dog for her birthday, a schnauzer to be particular. One night my mum was scrolling through trade me, look for dogs and then she came across my baby Sadie. She was a cross breed. She was advertised as a schnauzer, which was perfect because it was enough for my sister to say yes to her. However, when we met her, she looked nothing like a schnauzer, if anything she looked more like a Staffy, but that was ok because when we met her, we fell in love.

At the time we also had another dog, Leo, he was my mum's baby. He was 11 years old and a golden retriever x german shepherd. He was beautiful and lovely. We took him with us to meet Sadie because if they didn't get along it wouldn't work. Good news, they got along really well. Sadie's owners were happy with us and said that we could adopt her.

We were so ecstatic. However, we did have to wait like a week before we could go back and pick her up and I swear that week felt like an eternity. When we went to pick her up, we got her lead, collar, crate, bowl and bed.

A couple of months later my sister had gotten fed up with her barking and couldn't be bothered to walk her, so at one year old my mother took over full responsibility. However, I wanted a dog, and my mum could see this because every time she would walk Sadie I would go to.

On February 16, 2015, Sadie and I started up our first obedience class. It was on a Wednesday, and I absolutely loved it. I would go, rain, hail or shine. Now nearly two years later Sadie and I are super close and compete in obedience.

Love Natalee & Sadie.

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